Creative Ideas To Meet Your Future Staffing Needs:
How Community Colleges Can Help
Transform at MassBay Community College
Past Events
Staffing for the Future:
MassBay Community College, Wellesley Hills Campus, Library Atrium
You are cordially invited to join the MassBay Community College and Northeastern University’s TRANSFORM team for an Advanced Manufacturing Staffing for the Future Workshop and breakfast. The workshop will be led by two local experts: Ms. Veda Ferlazzo Clark, Vice-President, Manufacturing Initiatives at Mass Development; and Mr. Peter Russo, the Growth and Innovation Program Manager at Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MassMEP).
The workshop will focus on effective strategies to meet future workforce staffing and recruitment needs in advanced manufacturing. As such, the workshop has two goals: (1) discuss how state organizations, academia, and industry can work together collaboratively to meet future staffing needs of local Manufacturing companies; and (2) share with manufacturers a new Advanced Manufacturing program (TRANSFORM) that prepares non-technical majors, specifically BA (liberal arts) graduates, to fill many positions in Advanced Manufacturing. Positions include customer service, marketing, sales, accounting, CAD operator, CNC programmer, production supervisor, and more.
Valuable takeaways from this STAFFING FOR THE FUTURE Workshop include:
• Learn about the Manufacturing workforce pipeline needs in Massachusetts (UMass Amherst Center for Economic Development report)
• Hear from state experts about multiple manufacturing resources that can help with your Manufacturing needs
• Explore how to utilize Liberal Arts (BA) graduates to meet your future hiring needs
• Participate in our new and innovative TRANSFORM “Internship Collaborative”
• Network with other manufacturers (we focus on small and mid-size businesses)
Additional information on TRANSFORM can be found on the program website.
For more information about the Growth and Innovation Program, please contact: Peter Russo (MassMEP), [email protected]; 508-831-7020
NSF #1407160 and #1406741 – Collaborative Research: TRANSFORM: TRANSFORMing liberal arts careers to meet demand for the advanced manufacturing workforce