Web Resources

Web Resources
Please also visit our facebook page for updates on STEM programs and opportunities at Northeastern and beyond. The Center for STEM Education will be updating this listing of web sites frequently with resources that parents, students, and teachers might find useful during this challenging time. Below is the list of websites we think would be beneficial to you. The key to the table columns is at the end.

Please note that at this time we are not adding suggestions emailed to us to this webpage.

Name (Linked)TRGGRDFLDCATDescription
AI Learn to Play a GameBMSVA detailed video on how AI learns to play games
America's Test KitchenBAORLearn all about food and cooking - for kids.
(AAAS) - Advancing Science, Serving SocietyEASRAAAS serves to connect scientists and spread responsible practices of science and technology. Many events and programs available.
ACS - Chemistry Education ResourcesBASRList of Chemistry education resources for students and educators at all grade level. All content is free during the pandemic/school closures.
(ASEE) - American Society for Engineering EducationEAERASEE is a large outlet for supporting teachers and the engineering community through advocacy and public policy. There are many publication resources available through the site.
Archive.org - Open Library BAAROpen Library is a free collection (requires creating an account) of books that supports remote teaching, research activities, independent scholarship, and intellectual stimulation while universities, schools, training centers, and libraries are closed.
Beergame BAEG,AA fun game to teach about industrial engineering and supply chains.
Book Proofs by Laurent LessardBH, CMOA blog by new (Aug 2020) Northeastern MIE professor Laurent Lessard featuring mathematical riddles, puzzles, and elegant proofs (typically requires a high level of math).
BoSTEM's List of Virtual ConversationsBAAVVirtual conversations with local STEM professionals. These virtual conversations are open to all and will have a loose structure where the professionals will give an overview of their company, what they actually do, talk about their career pathway, and then open up to questions from students. Sessions are recorded and made available for later viewing.
Boston Neighborhood News NetworkBAAVBNNN is "committed to sharing content produced by and for Bostonians to educate, inform and enrich their lives. Here you will find some shows produced for our channels and streamed live on our website. Check out the TV Guide for scheduling information."
BPS Website
BAARBoston Public Schools (BPS) website has a huge variety of resources for students and families, in multiple languages.
Boston Water and Sewer
EAORA large base of different educational ideas based of the enviroment, specifically the sewer and water systems.
BPS Science DepartmentBAARBPS' Science Department provides practice resources, teacher tips, video clips, and more, all focused on science and engineering.
BrainPOPEAAGEngaging animated videos, quizzes, and other activities to complement engineering curricula. For students, teachers and parents.
Bridge DesignerBAEGBridge Designer simulates real life civil engineering challenges in the design and construction of a bridge, available for free to students and educators.
Cambridge Science Festival/a>EASOCity of Cambridge and Cambridges festival full of different science events.
Carbon Footprint Tracking/a>EMOVA video that can be shown during a sustainability unit.
Carolina - Learning from HomeBASRLearn-from-home resources for parents, teachers, and school districts. Explore these resources for elementary and middle school students from Carolina’s Building Blocks of Science™ 3D, Innovators in Science, and Smithsonian Programs.
(CAISE) - Center for the Advancement of Informal Science EducationEASACAISE provides different research supporting its mission of promoting more informal science settings and the benefits it has on overall science interest and learning. There are also available evaluation tools for teachers.
Chemical Engineering - Teaching ModulesECEAA list of experiments to conduct related to chemical engineering.
CM Center - Online Learning ResourcesBASRList of Online Learning resources, with a primary focus on science and math.
Civil Engineering TodayBAEVA video series by Reed Brockman, a local Civil Engineer and the outreach coordinator for the Boston Society of Civil Engineers.
Climate Change GraphEAOOGlobal map that shows climate change as well as individual climates and their effect on the land.
Closer look at Oil/ Energy ConsumptionEM,H,CAAActivity that can be used during an energy unit.
Code.orgBATGCode.org is dedicated to assisting anyone learn how to code. This resource is often implemented in the classroom, but is also a great way to learn at home.
Concord ConsortiumEASRA nonprofit organization dedicated to creating innovative educational technology for STEM learning. They have a large, free collection of online learning resources for teachers to use in their classroom.
Creating InnovatorsBAEVVideo by DR. Tony Wagner about how to create innovators in school.
Cybersecurity GuideBH, CTRLearn about the field of cybersecurity: certifications, career options, classes, and other resources
Data.govEH, CM, ORU.S. government open data reasource.
STEM @ Energy.govBAAAResources for teachers interested in STEM. Online learning resources, experiential learning opportunities, grants, fellowship, and research are all offered.
DESE - NewsletterAAAOSign-up link to receive news and information from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Digital PromiseEAARDigital Promise's focus is on infusing the latest learning science research into the development of products and programs to advance public education and improve learning. Their list of free online learning resources is intended for educators and can be filtered by type, grade, and subject.
DiscoverEEAARHands-on activities, videos, and other resources that volunteers, parents, and students can use to explore engineering. This site also introduces national engineering outreach programs.
Discovery EducationBAAADigital textbooks, streaming resources, virtual field trips, professional development and community engagement opportunities, and STEM programs.
Dropbox PaperBAAOMulti-editing Dropbox full of classroom resources.
Dyson - Challenge CardsLAAA44 engineering and science activities for children to try out while at home during the coronavirus pandemic - check them out.
Earth's Interior & Plate Tectonics Unit PlanEEEAAn entire unit plan to teach tectonic plates
Edgerton CenterBE, M, HAOFree MIT Outreach program where students travel to the MIT campus and participate in lesson plans.
EdutopiaEAAAArticles and videos to provide ideas and help teachers develop and improve.
edX - Free Online CoursesLAARDatabase of online courses offered by a variety of institutions around the country, allowing you to easily search for and sign up for courses you are interested in.
Electrical Substation Circiut BreakerBEOVVideo showing an electrical circuit breaker electrifying the air
Ella the EngineerBEEOThis website provides supporting materials for the STEM for girls comic book series. These materials can be used in whatever setting works best—on a playdate with friends, at home on their own, or in the classroom.
EngineerGirlBMEADesigned by the National Academy of Engineering, this fun and informative site celebrates women in engineering and allows girls to explore what engineers do. It also offers resources to parents, teachers and mentors.
Engineering for ChangeEAERAn organization dedicated to improve the quality of life of various communities. This website provides a perspective on the applications of engineering and how engineering can be implemented to each other.
Engineering for US AllEHEAA national initiave to bring engineering design principles to the next generation regardless of skill level.
eGFI: Engineering Go For ItBMARInformation about engineering careers and how to pursue them, including profiles of engineering students and professionals. Teachers also can find lesson plans, hands-on activities, and professional development opportunities.
Engineering is ElementaryBEEAEngineering curricula specific for various grade levels Pre-K through 8th grade.
Engineering ToolboxBAERPrimarily meant for engineers already in the field, but also useful for students studying engineering, this website provides an incredible variety of different tools, such as unit converters, 2D and 3D drawing software, and material properties databases, as well as much, much more.
Environmental Science.orgLCSRInformation on environmental science, studies, and policy degrees as well as careers, internships, and scholarships. The website also provides a listing of the top environmental science schools as well as a environmental-specific job search feature.
ExploritoriumBAARInteractives, web features, activities, programs, and events for K-12. Saturday and Summer professional development workshops are available through the Teacher Institute.
FabFemsBAARFind and become a female STEM role model.
Flinn Science at HomeBASRFree video labs with related teacher and student guides, 50 free at home activities that students can use under parental supervision to keep their curiosity piqued, digital learning platforms, and discounted lab kits to order.
FOSSEASAFOSS offers a number of ways to get parents involved in their child’s science education. Many of the units now have a “FOSS at Home Folio”, which provides several ways to bridge from the classroom to home, including letters to parents, home/school connections, and math extensions.
Generation GeniusBESVFree, online, K-5 science videos and lessons.
Girls Who CodeLATRLocal Girls Who Code branches provide free coding curricula for 3rd-5th and 6th-12th grade girls. Participants learn hard coding skills and computational thinking as well as project management skills, collaboration, bravery, resilience, and how to positively impact their community. Club facilitators gain access to free resources, flexible plug and play curriculum, funding opportunities, ongoing support, alumni opportunities for young learners, and more! No computer science experience needed to get started since GWC is there for you every step of the way.
Goodyear 360 TireBATVConcept video for a 360 tire, produced by Goodyear
Go Science GirlsEESACollection of science activities for young students (Elementary School and earlier).
Go Science KidsBASOBlog posting about fun and creative science ideas to do with kids.
Gravity TurnEH, CARArticle explaining gravity turn that can be used in an aerospace curriculum.
Hamiltonian PathEM,H,CM, ERWikipedia article on the Hamiltonian Path that can be used in an an industrial engineering curriculum.
HowStuffWorksBAAOHowStuffWorks is a resource to learn about...how stuff works. Covers every imaginable topic,
howtosmileEAAASearch-able collection of almost 3,500 STEM activities on the web, handpicked by science museums, public television stations, universities, and other educational organizations. All activities are available to anyone, free of charge.
How Can we Provide Good Energy to HomesEEAAModule activity posted by the Smithsonian for an energy unit.
How Not to Land a RocketBATVVideo on Rocket landing fails
How to add/remove User CapabilitiesEAORBlog post on different functions available in WordPress
Identifying and Supporting STEM ProgramsEH, CARChapter 1 of a book by the national academic press about supporting STEM programs
Imagine Boston 2030EH, CARThe imagine for Boston come its 400th birthday in 2030.
Informal ScienceBAARResources for projects, research, and evaluations to interconnect the informal STEM community.
(ITEEA) - International Technology and Engineering Educators AssociationEAARNews and publications section with an e-store that includes various teaching materials.
IPEDS: #s of Engineering DegreesBHERReports based on the award demographic distribution in engineering at different colleges.
iRobot EducationBAEOIRobot Education offers a look at all programs- job shadows, introduction to robots, a coding platform that features a simulator as well as content on the Learning Library.
JPL ActivitiesEAARJet Propulsion Lab's, in partnership with CIT, list of free classroom activities, organized by subject and grade.
JoVe Science Education VideosEHSVVideo demonstrations of science topics, appropriate for high school and above. Free access for Northeastern students, faculty, staff, and Boston high school students.
Khan Academy - TeacherBAAALearn about anything! Teachers can assign practice problems, videos, and articles and track student progress. Parents can create accounts for their children to bolster the material they are learning in school. Students can watch video tutorials to learn about a variety of topics.
KidWind.orgEMEATeaching students about wind energy. KidWind hosts competition events, provide lesson plans, and offer educational and entertaining kits.
LabXchangeBASRFree, online platform and learning community for science education, incorporating real-world labs and research experiences.
Learning in PlacesEESALearning in places is a “field based” science education curriculum (free downloads) that takes place in outdoor places, including gardens, for children in Kindergarten to 3rd grade and their families. Learn about and explore socio-ecological systems either in the classroom or with your family at home.
Legends of LearningLAM+SGMath and science games for elementary and middle school students, aligned with national science and math standards
Lego Powered SubmarineBAAVVideo by Brick Experiment Channel where he builds a fully functioning submarine out of Legos.
LinkEngineering Educator ExchangeBAEAOnline community of PreK-12 Educators dedicated to providing STEM experiences for their students.
Litmus - News at NortheasternBH+CAVNortheastern News segment in which groundbreaking researchers from Northeastern University are interviewed and their research is connected with what’s going on in your life.
LivableStreetsEATA/ RA group focused on making public spaces, specifically in the Boston area, safe, vibrant, livable, and people-centered.
STEM Games for KidsEAARList of engaging STEM related online games for kids.
Mass Audubon - Explore at HomeBAARResource page with various ways to explore nature close to home: a daily bird, nature bingo cards, nature scavenger hunt, nature coloring pages, and more.
Mass Curriculum FrameworksBAARFramework and standards for public classrooms in Massachusetts.
Mass State Science and Engineering FairBHSAThe MSSEF hosts, for both high and middle school students, state wide and regional engineering and science fairs. This website allows students to enter their Fair and gives a resource guide.
(MAST) - Massachusetts Association of Science TeachersEASRAnnual conference, teacher resources, grants and funding opportunities, as well as networking events.
Virtual Resources for Science TeachersEASRMAST's curated list of science-specific resources, as collected from amazingeducationresources' list.
Massachusetts Department of Higher Education
BCSRInformation regarding public colleges and universities within the state.
Massachusetts Technology Collaborative
BAE, TALesson plans, resources, and conferences for teachers.
Math for LoveBE, MMAMath for Love is a website created by Dan Finkel/Katherine Cook, who have created and offer free lesson plans, curriculum, games, and puzzles all about Math! Target audience is students and educators in elementary school, although there is some content for middle and high school.
Math PlaygroundLEAGRepository of math educational games, aimed at a younger audience.
MathsChaseLEMGSimple, free game to practice your times tables
MentimeterEAORFree, easy to use, classroom presentation tool
MFA Artful AdventuresEE, MOAMFA provides customizable, age-appropriate events in the museum where kids can look at or participate in art.
MWRA Water ResourcesEAT, SRActivities designed around environmental education and teaches kids the link between their daily activities and current environmental events.
Museum of ScienceBAAAObserve and interact with STEM phenomena and learn about the history of science.
Mystery EpicenterBMAAActivity where students imagine themselves as an seismologist and have to use math to locate the epicenter of a reported earthquake.
Nanoscale Informal Science Education NetworkEMSAInformation about camps, exhibits, and public events about nanotechnology, as well as lesson plans, activity kits and professional development opportunities.
NASAEAAALesson plans, teacher guides, classroom activities, video clips, games, posters, and more for teachers and students in grades K-4, 5-8, 9-12, and higher education.
Robotics Education ProjectLMARTo raise children's interest in robotics and promote it as a possible career choice, this website highlights many applications of robots, such as space exploration, medicine and mechanical automation.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, MedicineBCARFrom K-12 lesson plan resources to girls in STEM event opportunities.
The National Academies PressBCARVast resource of books on science, engineering, and medicine. All books are ready to order and some are available in kindle editions.
National Academy of Engineering - Grand ChallengesBAERList of the greatest current engineering challenges and opportunities.
(NARST) - The National Association for Research in Science TeachingEASRNew research findings for teachers and policy-makers to incorporate into curriculums and schools.
National Center for Technological LiteracyEMTRLed by the Museum of Science, Boston, this site provides a vast amount of information for educators on workshops, professional development, curricula for grades K-12, and access to the Museum's Lyman Library.
(NCTM) - National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
EAMRA large resource of available funding and grants for mathematics teachers as well as networking opportunities and lesson plan suggestions
NIHF - At-Home LearningEAARAt-home resource center to provide innovative education opportunities, no matter where learning takes place. Includes a virtual tour of the NIHF museum, stories of real-world inventors, STEM activities and additional resources for your students to help extend learning beyond the classroom.
The National Science Foundation
BCSRNSF funds research and education in science and engineering fields. Proposals may be submitted to fund a program.
(NSTA) - National Science Teachers AssociationEASANetworking event opportunities, curriculum supplements and lesson plans, as well as up-to-date science articles.
NSTA Learning CenterEAAAResources, events, professional development opportunities, and forums for science teachers.
Native LandBAORA map showing all the native lands across the world.
NBC LearnLAAVFree, short videos and companion lesson plans and classroom activities. Concepts in science and engineering are connected to topics kids care about, ranging from sports to sustainability to the latest in high tech.
Next.cc - Design+Imagination in STEMBE, MARBackground information and activities related to an array of STEM related topics.
NOAA National Ocean Service - For KidsLASAActivities and resources and other educational materials regarding our oceans and coastlines.
Northeastern Total EnrollmentEHORReports on the total enrollment at Northeastern.
NSTA NGSS Classroom ResourcesEASA, RA a student centered framework for K-12 science education.
NU Airport SecurityBAEAA curriculum based around aerospace created by Northeastern University
NU BioEngineering BH, CAVA wide variety of videos made by the Northeastern Bio Engineering department
NU Library Subject GuidesBCARVariety of handy guides and links to resources on a variety of subjects, curated by the Northeastern Library.
NumeradeLAAVNumerade is a website that provides free, virtual summer educational camps as well as video solutions to textbook questions.
Open CultureBAARLinks to all kinds of free cultural and educational media on the web.
OpenSciEd Covid InstructionEASAA unit that explores how different communities are differentially impacted by COVID. Students explore the basics of how the virus affects people, and design investigations to explore how it spreads from person to person, and what we can do to prevent that spread.
Paper Girls ShowLEAVYouTube animated series from Global Tinker and FableVision Studios designed to inspire girls ages 6-8 to think critically about their own everyday problems and create innovative solutions. By combining STEAM and do-it-yourself “making” with great storytelling, The Paper Girls Show engages children and sparks their creative development.
Pathways to Science
BAARSearch engine for students to find STEM programs, funding opportunities, webinars, and professional development materials.
Patriots Field TripEAAAField trips to the Patriots hall of Fame where students can learn STEM through the lens of football.
SciGirlsLMSGVideos and games that engage girls in science.
PBS LearningMediaEAAANearly 4,000 science, technology, engineering and math resources for PreK-5, 6-12 as well as free, self-paced modules for teachers teaching global climate change to middle school and high school students.
PBS Physics GirlEAM, SVPhysics based videos.
Pitsco's Education ShopEAARA shop full of different recourses in a wide variety of subjects across STEM.
Pitsco's STEM at HomeBAARFree STEM activities and publications for families to use at home.
The Practical EducatorEAAAInformation on 3D printing, biology, and STEM projects for teachers as well as a store to purchase classroom and project materials.
Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL)ECSRPKAL is dedicated to empowering STEM faculty to transform STEM teaching and learning by providing resources on how to broaden participation.
QuizzizEAOAA web program that can help structure questions for in-class activities, or review on previous units
Ready BostonBAOAA program designed to educate and empower Bostonians about the hazards they may face.
Rosie ResearchBASVA youtube series where you can do all kinds of science experiments. Free templates and material lists included.
Scholastic Learn at HomeBAAABrings Scholastic Magazines home, providing day to day projects for students in grades Pre-K - 9.
Science Buddies - Science Fair HelpBMSAInspiration for science fair projects with over a thousand ideas to search through, as well as activities to try out.
Science Fair Central
EESAProject ideas, how to create projects, and tips on how to present. The website also provides activities for families to do together.
Science Fair ProjectBATACircuit plans and ideas to teach kids all about electricity
Science From ScientistsBAAALesson plans, professional development opportunities, and programs focused on increasing the involvement of the nation's youth in STEM fields.
Science Game CenterBASGCollection of video games that teach science, for students and science teachers, and easily searchable by content area.
Science MomBSAAList of science activities for kids of all ages.
Science Museum Group - Learning ResourcesBAARCollection of learning resources, including 3D models of science exhibits, lesson plans, videos, and games, sort-able by grade and subject.
Science NewsBASOA non-profit, independent journal that is
devoted to short articles about new scientific and technical developments, gathered from recent scientific and technical journals.
Science News for StudentsBASOA well designed, student friendly platform for reading articles revolving around current science events.
Science Spot - Junk Box WarsEMSRResource collection for middle school science teachers. Junk Box Wars is a library of ready-to-use STEM projects and challenges for students.
Science with Sophie
LAAVComedy series that explores science and encourages girls (and everyone) to explore and learn about the diversity of STEM.
SciencemakersBASVScienceMakers, as part of the HistoryMakers, shares video interviews of African American scientists and engineers, as well as a variety of other fields.
ScienceMattersBASOScienceMatters is a science publishing platform that, instead of publishing stories, publishes single, validated observations, thus highlighting the fundamental unit of scientific progress – the observation.
SciGirls Educator ResourcesBAARResources, videos, and activities offered in English and Spanish published by PBS Digital Studios.
Seeds of STEMEEAAYear-long STEM curriculum for preschool classrooms. Rolling out a week of problem solving activities each Friday during the time that schools are closed. Check out the website for these free resources and to sign up for a free webinar.
Shelf StuffBMOVDigital community for middle school readers.
Master ToolsEHAAEight interactive math and science tools and simulations for students in grades 6-12. All simulations and curriculum materials meet the new National Science Education Standards and National Math Education Standards.
Slender Tower ChallengeBAAAA industrial design challenge where students must build a slender tower.
Solar Energy WorkbookBSAAFree, downloadable workbook to learn more about the basics of solar energy.
SolidWorks for StudentsBCER3D CAD software that enables students in generating designs for simulations, 3D printing, etc. Student/Educational edition is free to download and use.
Space Shuttle Re-EntryBATVThis video shows one of the solid rocket boosters for a space shuttle descending back through the atmosphere, deploying its parachutes and splashing down in the Atlantic Ocean after launch.
Start EngineeringBCTRGuides for cyber and engineering career paths, kids' books, and a shop for guides and workbooks.
National STEM Video Game ChallengeEHARMiddle school (5-8), high school students (9-12), and educators are invited to design games that incorporate STEM content or STEM themes in innovative and engaging ways. Home schoolers are eligible to enter as well. Sign up to be notified about the 2013 competition.
STEM ConnectorECARTo inspire and assist the growth of the STEM workforce, provides a platform for company leaders to network and collaborate.
STEM ecosystemsEAAOSTEM Ecosystems is a community that encourages sharing of resources and expertise among leaders in education, business, industry, non-profits, philanthropy and others.
STEM Robotics RepositoryBAAARepository of curricula and resources related to robotics and STEM in general.
STEM Teaching ToolsEASVProvides resources to support the teaching of the Next Generation Science Standards.
STEMfinity - Free STEM ResourcesBAARList of free STEM resources gathered from around the web. Resources are filtered by category. Digital Library Comprised of Standards-based Curricula for K-12.
SummerStuff (BPS)BAARBoston Public School's list of Summer Stuff, including summer camps, summer reading list, and other summer opportunities.
TeachEngineeringEAAAEngineers have a hand in designing, creating or modifying nearly everything around us. Find out more in this growing collection of 750+ free, teacher-tested, standards-based K-12 lessons and activities that engage students and enhance science and math learning through the use of hands-on engineering.
TeacherTubeEAAVThe educational version of YouTube, hosting videos primarily, but not limited to, Math and English.
TechGuideBAARTechGuide provides actionable information to help readers make data-driven decisions on the best tech-related educational and career opportunities.
Technology for LearnersBAAREdTech resource guide including articles, lesson plans, videos, and more for tech teachers. Also useful for students interested in tech!
The ConnectoryEAARSearch engine for STEM opportunities. Programs can be searched for by location or by specific interest.
TryEngineeringBAEAWhat is Engineering and what do Engineers do?: this site contains information and games about the field, provides listings of student programs and opportunities, contains a university finder, and has lesson plans aligned to standards.
Tynker coding for KidsBETAA kid-friendly platform where elementary school students learn to code.
USA Zombie Safe ZonesBAOOA fun map depicting zombie safe zones in the USA that costs $22.
VenngageEAORInfographic platform that an change your slides into something nicer and easier to learn off of.
Virtual ManipulativesBEMRA virtual platform that helps students understand abstract concepts through models
Volunteer MatchBCOLLooking to volunteer with events or programs? Find programs to volunteer for, sorted by type and location.
Water Pollutant ExperimentsEHAACreated by an experienced teacher who has done much research at Northeastern. The site provides examples and videos of water pollutant activities that could be replicated in the classroom.
WGBH Distance LearningBAAACollection of free, trusted digital resources for grades Pre-K to 12
What's an Engineer - Crash CourseEAAVA Crash Course Kids video that talks all about what an engineer is.
Women in Tech - SolitaireBASGPlay solitaire - but learn about notable women in tech at the same time!
Why Not to CheatBAOVUC Berkley Online Archive video from professor Brian Harvey.
Windmill STEM ChallengeEEAALearn all about the power of the wind with a Lego Rescue. As an added benefit, there is a fantastic link to social issues and the power of education
Windmills - Bigger Better?EM, H, CERArticle by National Geographic that goes into why bigger isn't always better.
Windy City TowerEAEECivil engineering activity where students are tasked with designing a paper tower that can withstand as much wind as possible.
Wordladder SolverBAOAAn activity based on the popular game, word ladder.
ZooniverseLAAOZooniverse is an online people-powered research platform, where you can go and be a researcher on a variety of projects.
15 Sorting AlgorithmsBAOVVisualization and "audibilization" of 15 Sorting Algorithms in 6 Minutes.
16 Sorts - Color CircleBAOV5-minute video with audio on a color sorting algorithm.
30 Days Timelapse at SeaBAOV30 Day timelapse of about 80,000 combined photos, all on a sea adventure
8 Ways to Liven up the Museum Field TripEAORBlog post on how to make a 'boring' field trip more fun.
Key to Table Columns:
TRG = Target Audience
B = Both | E = Educator (this includes parents and teachers) | L = Learner (i.e. students)
GRD = Primary Grade Level of this Resource:
A = All grades | E = Elementary | M = Middle School | H = High School | C= College
FLD = Academic Field of Study
A = All | E = Engineering | M = Math | O = Other | S = Science | T = Technology
CAT = Category of the Resource, i.e. what type of a resource is it
A = Activities and Lesson Plans | G = Game | O = Other | R = Resource (i.e. a resource or a list of additional resources) | V = Video or Video Series

Last Updated: September 10, 2024