Research Opportunities

There are various research opportunities for students at Northeastern, either through Northeastern’s Undergraduate Research and Fellowships office, the College of Engineering’s Student Research website, or through COE’s Center for STEM Education, listed below:

During the Academic School Year (September – April):
UPLIFT: Undergraduate Program for Leaders in Future Transformation
This is an academic year research program for first year students in the College of Engineering. During students’ first semester (Fall), faculty present hybrid seminars describing their research. In students’ second semesters (Spring), they conduct research directly in faculty members’ labs – in many cases, these students have continued their research thereafter in their faculty mentors’ labs.

LaMP: Lighting Pathway to Success in STEM with an Interdisciplinary Lab Meeting
LaMP is funded by the Northeastern Inclusive Impact Innovation (I3) Fund for the 2024 – 2025 academic year.  LaMP is a paid research opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Science and College of Engineering in which students virtually attend 10 host lab meetings during the 2024-2025 academic year.  Students on co-op and on other campuses are eligible to apply.  Faculty or post-docs are eligible mentors. This program is designed to provide students with a more accessible “first step” into research, regardless of their location, and to provide faculty with a more diverse pathway of potential student researchers without a large up-front investment in time and funding.

During the Summer (May – August):
REU: Research Experience for Undergraduates
Undergraduate students can conduct research at various universities around the country (see NSF REU search). These are typically 10-week summer research programs. The Center for STEM Education has hosted two such programs recently: REU-POWER (2018-2022) and REU-PATHWAYS (2022-2025).

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