Courtney Jackson
Hello, my name is Courtney Jackson. My interest in chemistry began at the age of 10. I have always been curious about what happens when you mix certain chemicals. In the eighth grade, I decided I wanted to be a chemical engineer. I have participated in several organizations helping young women in the STEM programs that taught them that even though your field may be male dominant you can still be a star. Currently, I am participating in a research group for a method on cleansing a residential area of air pollution. My group consists of four women living in different geographical areas. My role is to study the hazardous chemical compounds and find safe ways to eliminate them. I am a fourth year at Northeastern University and my major is Chemical Engineering/Chemistry. I am a proud member of NSBE as well as an S-POWER Scholar. I plan to attend graduate school to receive my doctorate in Pharmaceuticals and Toxicology. My career goal is to gain experience at a large, well-known company and become an expert in my domain along with networking, and making new connections.
Worked @ CfSE: 1 semester | Last Semester: Fall 2022 | LinkedIn