Happy Monday (of week 9)! Governor Baker’s Re-Opening plan has been published – people will start heading back to work now and/or soon!
Although many people will be heading back to work, schools (and daycares) are still physically closed right now. Students are still going to (virtual) school and being assigned homework. Students who need help with their homework can receive virtual tutoring through the Boston Public Library: “While the Boston Public Library’s doors are closed, the Homework Help program is moving online. Trained high school student mentors now lead online meetings on Zoom to provide homework help to students in grades K-8. Online Homework Help is available Monday – Thursday, 3:30-5:30 p.m. every week until June 18. There is no registration required but this drop in program has a limit of 15 participants at one time.” For more information, please visit: https://www.bpl.org/homework-help-for-grades-k-8/. Please maintain awareness and safety when using virtual chat programs, as seen in image on right.
Also – if you have a moment, please try out the do now and/or activity from this week’s newsletter and please send us ([email protected]) pictures!