On November 18th, a large group (65) of 7th grade students came from the Murphy K-8 School to learn about the engineering design process.
In the morning, students designed and built popsicle stick catapults, and shot them at volunteers (part of the plan!).
- Students test fire their catapult using Skittles
During lunch, Assistant Dean Richard Harris came in for a motivational speech to the students.
- Rich Harris comes in and talk to students about how failure is a natural part of the design process and what they can learn from it.
Sam Glassner from AIAA led the paper rockets presentation, with other AIAA members (Michael Fox, Melis Tirhi, and Ben Gross) assisting during the hands-on portion of the activity, during which students designed and built rockets out of paper and shot them into the air and across Centennial Commons.
- Rockets lined up on the launch pad
- Rockets fly up into the air, reaching over 150 feet