NU NEPTUN – 2018 Fall Dates

Hello Boston-area high school students!

Have you ever wanted to learn how to dance? Have you ever pondered the inner workings of the internet? Have you ever spent hours wondering why on earth no one has ever designed a shower knob that makes sense the first time you try to turn it on? These are all subjects that have been covered at class in past NEPTUN events. This fall, we will once again have a bunch of Northeastern students teach high school students like you about a variety of wacky, fascinating and exciting topics for free during our fall event, Waterfall. This year, Waterfall will be on Saturday, November 3rd, and Saturday, November 10th. Past classes can be seen here: Spring 2017, Fall 2017

Student registration will open at on October 6th

Please email NEPTUN email if you have any questions, concerns, or any sort of confusion about Waterfall.

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