After 8 weeks our virtual after school program, Pathways To STEM, will be concluding with the last sessions occurring on Tuesday November 16th and Thursday November 18th. Tuesdays presentation will be given by Professor Ruobing Bai, a professor in the Mechanical and Industrial department, presenting on Soft Materials and Soft Machine. On Thursday Professor Adrian Feiguin, a professor in the department of Physics will be talking about The Spooky World of Quantum Mechanics.
Presentations will be occur via Zoom on Tuesday/Thursday from 4:00-5:00pm. Registration for this program is required -> once registered, we will follow-up with information on the presenters and a link to the zoom meeting. Students from any state may attend, but students must be in grades 9-12 (starting 9/2021)
To sign up, please complete this survey:
We hope to see you there!