Phineas Bates – STEM Field Trips (11.15.2024)

On Friday, fifty 4th grade students from the Phineas Bates school visited campus for a STEM field trip. Students were introduced to the engineering design process (EDP), and then had the opportunity to work as bioengineers designing an egg drop device that simulated head/brain protection.

Using materials such as paper, straws, plates, and cotton balls, students designed devices with components like parachutes and crumple zones to buffer the egg’s fall.

Students then had the opportunity to explore campus (and its many seesaws) with our volunteers.

During this field trip, we were joined by members of Northeastern’s chapter of the Society of Women Engineers, who helped provide insight to students about careers in engineering, as well as campus life.

Students then got to work as mechanical engineers, designing and testing catapults made out of popsicle sticks, rubber bands, a spoon, and duct tape. When testing, the students had three attempts to hit a target for points, with the winning team receiving STEM keychains


Thank you to the Phineas Bates school for visiting us, and thank you to SWE for helping out!




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