BTU School – STEM Field Trips (11.8.2024)

Last Friday, twenty two students from the 5th grade class at the BTU School came to campus to participate in STEM activities and learn more about life in college. The students were taught about the engineering design process (EDP) and the roles of engineers, particularly bioengineers and mechanical engineers. They then had the opportunity to experience the EDP hands on by designing a contraption that would protect an egg (representing a human skull and brain) during impact from a twenty foot drop.

They were provided a $100 budget and a range of materials to build with, including paper, cardboard, cotton balls, plastic cups, and paperclips. The designs were tested at the Columbus Garage bridge behind the Curry Student Center.

The egg drop was followed by a campus tour, where students got to explore campus and hear more from our volunteers about college life.

Once everyone reconvened for lunch, students got to hear from representatives of Northeastern’s Black Engineering Student Society (BESS), as well as Richard Harris, Dean of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.

Members of BESS Volunteering with us!

Chat with Dean Richard Harris

After lunch, students began designing catapults intended to launch ammunition (Skittles) with both accuracy and precision. They were given popsicle sticks, a spoon, rubber bands, and unlimited duct tape to build their catapults.

Catapult Testing

After their initial launches, students were given time to redesign and rebuild their catapults as a part of the EDP. The day wrapped after a final round of testing, with many of the groups having more success on their second attempt.

Thank you to the BTU School for visiting us, as well as BESS for helping out!


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