Intro to Engineering Workshop

Introduction to Engineering Workshop
Engineering Workshops are a virtual field trip offering, lasting 2 hours (± 15min). Students will learn about engineering and the design process, the various types of engineering fields and careers that exist, will try their hand at engineering by building paper towers, and will have a chance to ask Northeastern engineering students questions about college and STEM.

PowerPoint (with activities)

    • Introduction to Engineering (15 minutes): What is engineering? What is the Engineering Design Process? What are some big problems engineers are tackling?
    • What is This Thing? (30 minutes): What kinds of things do (mechanical) engineers build and design?

  • Paper Towers (45 minutes): Try your hand at engineering -> design a tower and work your way through the engineering design process.
  • STEM/College 101 (30 minutes): meet some Northeastern engineering (and other major) students and ask them anything: about college, STEM, high school, etc.

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