The 2018 edition of our GE Girls program (July 9-13) has sadly come to an end! We had a successful and exciting week with our 25 participants and 5 junior counselors.
Students started the week learning about Engineering and the Engineering Design Process, designing, building and improving paper towers, paper airplanes, and paper rockets.
The next day, students learned about healthcare; looking at malaria prevention and taking a lab tour with professor Tracy Carter. In addition, the students learned about microfluidics through a hands-on activity and student research presentations, courtesy of GWISE.
On Wednesday, the students visited the GE Healthcare facility in Marlborough, where they completed a variety of hands-on activity, met with GE scientists, and explored some industrial laboratories.
Thursday revolved around GE Power: thank you professor Jen Love for leading this day! The students learned about energy and electronic circuits, played with snap circuits kits, and tested solar panels for power output using multimeters. In the afternoon, students designed and built wind turbine blades, trying to find the ideal shape and size to raise a weight the fastest (i.e. generating the most power) [Power = Energy / Time, where Energy = Weight * Distance].
On Friday, the students had a mini engineering fair with some student organizations: AIChE (dissolving M&Ms), EWH (build your own microscope), and SWE (spaghetti and marshmallow towers), with AIAA assisting. Next, Corinne Coates gave an interesting introduction to geography, and after an all-you-can eat lunch at International Village, the students gave their final presentations!
Program Photos
Final Presentations: Team 1, Team 2, Team 3, Team 4, Team 5
Thank you to all the following people who made this program possible:
General Electric (GE):
Program Prep: Linda Lemieux (GE Healthcare) and Erin Brenner (GE Healthcare)
GE Speakers: Madhuri Sebastian (GE Digital Solutions), Megan Dewitt (GE Renewable Energy), Sian Godwin (GE Healthcare)
Northeastern University:
Faculty: Jen Love (GE power day), Tracy Carter (lab tour), Jacqueline Griffin (malaria presentation)
Student Org.:
@Mini Engineering Fair: AIAA, AIChE, EWH, SWE
@Microfluidics activity and presentations: GWISE
NU Student Counselors: Abby Lanzaro and Emma Jaffe
Corinne Coates – Geography lesson
All students and parents!