Pathways to STEM
Pathways to STEM (P2STEM) was a virtual after school program geared towards high school students interested in STEM and research in college. Students explored diverse career pathways through research presentations. Northeastern faculty members presented their ongoing research to participants, and participants asked questions about the presenter’s research and their field of
This program is still running, however it is no longer after school and instead runs during school hours with partner teachers and interested faculty members. If you are a teacher interested in participating with your students, sign up here. If you are a Northeastern faculty member interested in participating, sign up here.
Spring 2022
- 2.15.22 (Tu): O’Bryant School -> Professor Kathryn Grahame Schulte (First Year Engineering)
- 3.1.22 (Tu): Gifford High School -> Professor Loretta Fernandez (Environmental Engineering)
- 4.11.22 (M): Christo Rey High School -> Professor Jenny Van Amburgh (Pharmacy)
- 4.26.22 (Tu): Manville School -> Professor Gunther Zupanc (Biology)
Fall 2021
- 11.18.21 (Th): The Spooky World of Quantum Mechanics [Physics] by Professor Adrian Feiguin
- 11.16.21 (Tu): Soft Materials and Soft Machines [MechE] by Professor Ruobing Bai
- 11.9.21 (Tu): Sensor Engineering [EnvE] by Professor Amy Mueller
- 11.4.21 (Th): Brain-behavior Predictors of NT Response… [NeuroSci] by Professor Erin Meier
- 11.2.21 (Tu): Materials for Tissue Engineering [ChemE] by Professor Rebecca Willits
- 10.28.21 (Th): Home Blood Pressure Monitoring [Pharm] by Professor Michelle Jacobs
- 10.26.21 (Tu): Let’s Discuss Your Big Data [CompE] by Professor David Kaeli
- 10.21.21 (Th): Man-made Chemicals in the Environment [Chem] by Professor Loretta Fernandez
- 10.19.21 (Tu): Mechanical Loading in Skeletal Health [Mech/BioE] by Professor Sandra Shefelbine
- 10.14.21 (Th): Networks, Robot Coordination and Challenges by Professor Rifat Sipahi
- 10.12.21 (Tu): Engineering Polymeric Hydrogels [BioE] by Professor Sidi Bencherif
- 10.7.21 (Th): NU Student Panel w/ Nikita, Tasha, Salima, and Sakura
- 10.5.21 (Tu): Intro to Intelligent Use of Wake-Up Radio Tech [CompE] by Professor Stefano Basagni
- 9.30.21 (Th): Designing Drugs [Chem] by Professor Rein Kirss
- 9.28.21 (Tu): Future of Wireless Communication Networks [ElecE] by Professor Josep Jornet
Spring 2021
- 3.23.21: Intro to Pharmacy and Drug Discovery by Professor Lara Milane
- 3.16.21: The Wonders and the Power of Quantum Physics by Professor Gregory Fiete
- 3.16.21: Worms Use Their Brain to Prepare for Danger by Professor Javier Apfeld
- 3.9.21: Sustainable Building Systems & Resilient Housing by Krissy Govertsen
- 3.9.21: Cigarette Smoke-Induced Structural and Functional Remodeling… by Professor Chiara Bellini
- 3.2.21: Man-made Chemicals and the Environment by Professor Loretta Fernandez
- 2.23.21: Engineering Polymer Hydrogels to Save or Improve Lives by Professor Sidi Bencherif
- 2.23.21: Defining the Future of Wireless Communication Networks by Professor Josep Jornet
- 2.9.21: Smart Grid Operation by Professor Ali Abur
- 2.2.21: Networks, Robot Coordination and Challenges by Professor Rifat Sipahi
- 1.26.21: Pathway to Energy Systems & Exploring Solar Energy by Teniola Odumakinde
Fall 2020
- 11.24.20: Undergraduates at NU (Salima Amiji, Sena Szczepaniuk, Natasha Zaarour)
- 11.17.20: Physics by Professor Adrian Feiguin
- 11.10.20: Pharmacy by Professor Michelle Jacobs
- 11.3.20: Chemical Engineering (Professor Rebecca Carrier)
- 10.27.20: Sex Differences in Associative Fear Learning in Rodents by Julia Mitchell
- 10.27.20: Humanoids in the Real World by James Tukpah
- 10.20.20: The Role of Mechanical Loading in Skeletal Health by Professor Sandra Shefelbine
- 10.13.20: Finding a Treatment for Glaucoma by McKay Cavanaugh
- 10.6.20: Pharmaceutical Sciences by Jade Law
- 10.6.20: Characterization of Novel Dopamine D3 Receptor Agonists… by John Famiglietti