Professor Josep Jornet “spotlighting” his lab during a PSE session to provide students with insight on what a lab setting may look like.
From Tuesday, January 26th to Tuesday, March 23rd, the Center for STEM Education launched its second Pathways to Science and Engineering session. This program is geared towards high school students interested in pursuing careers in STEM. Graduate students, faculty members, and alumnae across various disciplines present their current research or topics related to STEM in a pre-recorded presentation. The students watch them and think of questions to ask the respective presenters during the live Q&A session.
If you are interested in being a part of our future PSE sessions, please visit here.

Here is what students have had to say about PSE!
Spring 2021 – Program Summary
Week 1 (January 26th): Energy Systems
Teniola Odumakinde, Graduate Student, Pathway to Energy Systems & Exploring Solar Energy
Session Feedback [Strongly Agree = 2, Neutral = 0, Strongly Disagree = -2]:
Engaging = 1.22 | Well-Organized = 1.51 | Perception of Science/Eng. = 1.05
Week 2 (February 2nd): Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Rifat Sipahi, Professor, Networks, Robot Coordination, and Challenges
Session Feedback [Strongly Agree = 2, Neutral = 0, Strongly Disagree = -2]:
Engaging = 1.31 | Well-Organized = 1.50 | Perception of Science/Eng. = 1.29
Week 3 (February 9th): Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ali Abur, Professor, Smart Grid Operation
Session Feedback [Strongly Agree = 2, Neutral = 0, Strongly Disagree = -2]:
Engaging = 0.97 | Well-Organized = 1.22 | Perception of Science/Eng. = 0.97
Week 4 (February 23rd): Electrical and Computer Engineering/Chemical Engineering
Sidi Bencherif, Professor, Engineering Polymer Hydrogels to Save or Improve Lives
Joseph Jornet, Professor, Defining the Future of Wireless Communication Networks
Session Feedback [Strongly Agree = 2, Neutral = 0, Strongly Disagree = -2]:
Engaging = 1.27 | Well-Organized = 1.51 | Perception of Science/Eng. = 1.31
Week 5 (March 2nd): Civil Engineering
Loretta Fernandez, Professor, Man-made Chemicals and the Environment
Session Feedback [Strongly Agree = 2, Neutral = 0, Strongly Disagree = -2]:
Engaging = 1.14 | Well-Organized = 1.25 | Perception of Science/Eng. = 1.07
Week 6 (March 9th): Bioengineering/Civil Engineering
Chiara Bellini, Professor, Cigarette Smoke-Induced Structural and Functional Remodeling of the Aorta in Mice
Krissy Govertsen, Graduate Student, Sustainable Building Systems & Resilient Housing
Session Feedback [Strongly Agree = 2, Neutral = 0, Strongly Disagree = -2]:
Engaging = 1.46 | Well-Organized = 1.57 | Perception of Science/Eng. = 1.50
Week 7 (March 16th): Biology/Physics
Javier Apfeld, Professor, Worms Use Their Brain to Prepare for Danger
Gregory Fiete, Professor, The Wonders and the Power of Quantum Physics
Session Feedback [Strongly Agree = 2, Neutral = 0, Strongly Disagree = -2]:
Engaging = 1.65 | Well-Organized = 1.53 | Perception of Science/Eng. = 1.35
Week 8 (March 23rd): Pharmaceutical Sciences
Lara Milane, Professor
Session Feedback [Strongly Agree = 2, Neutral = 0, Strongly Disagree = -2]:
Engaging = 1.50 | Well-Organized = 1.31 | Perception of Science/Eng. = 1.44
Overall Feedback
– “Hearing about various subjects and the people who actually work in certain fields helps illuminate what it’s like to work in a scientific field.”
– “I think that the Q&A part was really helpful and as a senior who applied to Northeastern EA, I was able to gain a better insight into how the courses at Northeastern are.”
– “I found this session fairly interesting as well as informative allowing for me to learn new and innovative ideas about everything.”
– “Post-COVID-19 it would be cool to talk to the professors in their labs so we can see some of the tools they work with.”