STEM Field Trip Applications – Open for AY 2021-2022

Dear Teachers, Principals, Science Coordinators, etc.,
We (Center for STEM Education) will be continuing our STEM Field Trip series in the 2021-2022 academic school year. We will be offering three types of field trips: Virtually, On-Campus (coming to Northeastern), and Reverse (we come to your school). The survey has questions related to all three types of field trips – (page 3 = virtual, page 4 = on-campus, page 5= reverse) and you’ll fill in only the pages for the type of field trip you’re in. Due to COVID restrictions and uncertainty with delta and other variants, we cannot guarantee an in-person field trip this academic year and recommend you fill in the virtual field trip page as well (page 3).

If you are potentially interested in such a field trip, please complete the following application. We will reach out to teachers starting in September to invite them to field trips.

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