Jennifer Love
Jennifer Love completed her EdD degree in April 2022 and has since transitioned to Northeastern University’s Center for STEM Education as a STEM Teaching Faculty member. Jen’s dissertation, titled “Aligning to the 2016 Massachusetts Science, Technology & Engineering Curriculum Frameworks: PreK-5 STEAM Education where Engineering is the Keystone” was the subsequent phase of her research with public school teachers in Massachusetts, after her 2018 conference publication “STEAM Go! A School District’s Approach to Implementing New State Science, Technology & Engineering PreK – 12 Curriculum Standards”. Jennifer Love earned a BS degree in mechanical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a MS degree in biomedical engineering from The University of Iowa and worked for 10 years as a professional engineer in the medical device and athletic footwear industries before joining the College of Engineering as a teaching faculty member at Northeastern University in 2006. She has taught courses in engineering technology, mechanical engineering and first year engineering, with an emphasis on project-based learning, makerspaces, prototype development, product development and game design. She lives in a coastal community south of Boston with her family, where she enjoys the beach, hiking, kayaking, golf and other outdoor adventures with her husband, 2 children and their dog Mango.
Office: Stearns Center 309