Salima Amiji
Salima is a Pharmacy major (2025) at Northeastern University. She became involved with the Center for STEM following her participation in the Young Scholars Program, a six-week high school research program. During the program, Salima worked in Professor Ambika Bajpayee‘s lab, focusing on drug delivery to avascular tissue. During high school, Salima performed research regarding drug delivery for the science fair where she was fortunate to move onto regional and state levels. Salima coordinated the Young Scholars Program in both the Summer of 2019 and 2020. She is currently co-coordinating the Pathways to Science and Engineering Program in Fall 2020. Outside of school, Salima‘s hobbies include running, volunteering in her local community, and traveling to various countries.
Worked @ CfSE: 11 semesters | Last Semester: Spring 2024 | LinkedIn