On April 7th, 30 eighth graders from Dearborn STEM Academy came to Northeastern University for a field trip on engineering. Volunteers from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Northeastern Chapter introduced students to the basics of rocketry. The students then completed the Paper Rockets activity where they designed and built their own model rockets. Students were then able to watch their rockets soar as they were launched outdoors.
- AIAA Volunteer Displays Model Rocket
- AIAA volunteer gives a presentation about rocketry fundementals.
- Student Paper Rocket
- Paper Rocket Launches
In the afternoon the students did the Egg Drop activity where they build contraptions that would absorb the impact of landing from a set height. Students have access to an assortment of materials but can only ‘buy’ as much as their allotted budgets would allow.
- Students Designing Their Egg Dropper
- Student Work on Their Egg Dropper
- Student Egg Dropper With Pipe Cleaners
- Student Egg Dropper Box of Newspaper