On Monday December 5, three members from NUCLEUS (Northeastern University Community Liaisons for Education Using STEM) partnered with the Center for STEM Education to visit the Higginson/Lewis K-8 School. They visited the fourth grade classroom, working with 35 students. Katie, Haley, and Mikey started off the day by discussing engineering as a field and as a career. Lots of students personally know engineers, for example some that work for the MBTA and sprinkler maintenance companies!
The students completed two activities. The first activity was to create a catapult out of popsicle sticks and a spoon. The students learned the difference between precision and accuracy. The goal of the activity was to use their catapults to launch skittles at their target (our volunteers’ foreheads). Next the students completed an egg drop activity. They learned about the brain and its responsibilities, and also learned about different helmets that are used to protect the brain. The goal of the egg drop was to create a structure that protects an egg from cracking when dropped. There were lots of unique designs, however no egg survived. The students had many ideas about how they would improve their designs in the future!
Our favorite joke from the day from one of the students: What does a zombie eat for breakfast? Ans: Scrambled Brains!