December 2016 Building Bridges
The CoE / Center for STEM Education‘s fall edition of Building Bridges took place today. 63 high school students from 49 schools and 7 states attended. A large thank you to all the faculty, staff, and volunteers for making this event possible!
Following registration and session selection, Claire Duggan’s and Rich Harris’ introducing remarks, students went to a wide variety of classes, as detailed below.
- Rich Harris introduces students to Northeastern
- Volunteers bring students to the various classrooms
During lunch, students from Jen Love‘s 1st year Engineering class presented on their spark-fun based final projects.
- NU students from Jen Love’s class talk about the design phases of their project
- NU students built a music guessing game using sparkfun components
- NU students built a skateboard that lights up and has a pressure sensor-activated horn
Also during lunch, the NU Epsilon Zeta chapter (NEZ) of Alpha Delta Phi presented their annual $5,000 donation check, which is given specifically to the Young Scholar’s Program, ensuring the program can continue to be free for participants.
Engineering skills of visiting students also became apparent during lunch, as students used lunch bags to build very tall towers.
December 2016 Building Bridges Sessions [More Info]:
Detecting Disease Through Handwriting – Rifat Sipahi
Can you Build it Better? Faster? Optimizing Production using Lego Models – Sue Freeman
Multimodal Breast Cancer Detection: NRI and Acoustic-tomography – Jose Martinez Lorenzo
Talking to My Robot – David Kaeli
Lost In the Dark? – Yongmin Liu
How do you Enable? Creatively Engineering Assistive Devices – Enabling Engineering
Nanomaterials from Trees – Hongli Zhu
Designing Earthquake Resistant Buildings – Alpay Demiryurek
Gaming to Advance Science – Casper Harteveld
Models for Malaria Prevention – Jackie Griffin
How our Bodies Move – Sandra Shefelbine & Adina Draghici