Today, February 19th, NUSSP alumni from the last two summers attended the spring 2016 callback. The callback was taught by a variety of Northeastern students. First, Jenna Kiely led a discussion and activity on psychology and the Myer-Briggs test.
- Jenna leads a psychology session
Then, Phoebe Patwell, with the assistance of Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) volunteers, led a two part, self-designed activity on industrial engineering. In the future, this activity will be added to our complement of activities we offer for field trips.
- Students plot how to arrange kitchen appliances to minimize the distance traveled
- Students re-arrange the steps in the cookiemaking process to reduce total distance traveled
Afterwards, students from Jennifer Love’s First Year Engineering class presented their alternative energy vehicle, talking about the research process, the design steps, and letting the students try out their finished product.
- Gleb, Krishna, and Gisele present their alternate energy vehicle project
- Students build the Mangomobile
After lunch, Nick led a short, hands-on introductory session to Google Sketch-up, a free 3D modeling computer program.
- Google Sketch-up