On July 25th, the Young Scholars (along with other groups such as the REUs and ASME) took their last field trip down to Block Island in Rhode Island to take a tour of the wind farms. Wind farming is the grouping of wind turbines in an effort to generate electricity, and Rhode Island is home to the nation’s first offshore wind farm! While listening to a guided tour on the ferry, the YSPs learned about how the wind farms are comprised of 600 ft tall turbines that distribute power to over 21,000 homes through a transmission system that links a 28.1 mile cable between the island and mainland. The students even had the chance to explore the island and do some shopping as well as head to the beaches and lighthouse! It was a great way to take a break from the lab, while still making it an enjoyable learning experience.
- YSPs enjoying the view
- Exploring the lighthouse area
- Students enjoying their tour of the wind farm
- REU and S-POWER participants