Today 50 7th students from the Murphy K-8 school in Dorchester, MA visited Northeastern’s campus and spent the day participating in STEM activities. This day’s overlying theme was the engineering design process, which was showcased and used in the paper rockets and egg drop activities the students completed. Also the 15 NU volunteers, who helped make this day possible, supported the students during the activities and got to share more about their STEM majors during the lunch session. Students had a great time learning more about the engineering design process and the various opportunities that studying STEM can offer them in the future!
- Jen and Evan from AIAA presenting about rockets!
- Our volunteer Gina posing with two students who had a unique rocket fin design!
- Student putting the final touches on her rocket!
- Preparing to launch his rocket!
- Group photo with all the students, volunteers, and staff!
- Gina dropping her successful egg protection device for the final round!