On Saturday, October 30th, Professor Shefelbine invited a few Girl Scouts and their mothers to Northeastern University’s Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex (ISEC) to do a spooky STEM skeleton activity.
Given Professor Shefelbine’s extensive research on multi-scale bone biomechanics, the girls learned a lot about bones, their composition and how they change as we age. We even had a chance to see 3D bone structures and the sponge like composition in them. After learning a lot about bones, we then built bio-mechanical skeleton hands out of paper, straws, and some string. The hands were a huge success! By pulling the strings at the end of the hands, the fingers were able to curl demonstrating how the bones make up the structure of your hand.
Despite the sad news of the Harvest Fest being cancelled, I’m glad the Girl Scouts were able to make it better by earning their STEM Career Badges!