Happy Monday! I can’t believe it snowed last week! But, back to warm(er) weather this weekend. In light of the increasing temperatures, this blog post will focus on outdoor activities.
As we did last week, here’s two more resource highlights, both of which are excellent!
Reminder – if you have a moment, please try out the do now and/or activity from this week’s newsletter and please send us ([email protected]) pictures!
Resource Highlights:
Mass Audubon – Explore Nature at Home
“Nature is everywhere! You don’t need to look further than your own backyard, neighborhood, or local park to discover the amazing wonders of the natural world.” Mass Audubon, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting the nature of Massachusetts, provides this helpful resource page with various ways to explore nature close to home: a daily bird, nature bingo cards, nature scavenger hunt, nature coloring pages, and more.Shelf Stuff
With warm weather fast approaching, grab a book and read outside. This website is all about books, including previews for books and quizzes thereafter, lists of anticipated books each month, and a summer reading challenge.