Welcome to Newsletter 24!
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In our newsletter you will be introduced to a STEM topic and find a related-activity to work on during the week (please share your results with us!), as well as extensions to additional learning or games related to the field. In addition, you will find a Northeastern connection – something Northeastern is doing related to that field. This week’s topic: Grand Challenges. For a list of prior blog posts, see the blog index.
Resource Highlight
- Engineeringchallenges.org
Learn more about the Engineering Challenges directly from the source! Engineers make a big difference, and on this site, the current Grand Challenges for engineers are explored and elaborated on the current state and how they can be improved. Each grand challenge also includes short videos where people who better understand the topic elaborate on the direction they would like to proceed for the different challenges. - Tech Insider
In this Youtube video, Tech Insider highlights 22 Inventions That Are Saving The Earth. From sustainable light sources, to efficient and effective turbines, to biodegradable bags, these inventions poses as a possible option for difficult problems that were previously unsolvable. These inventions open up the floor for more solutions to come to light and improve our quality of life as well as the health of the environment.
Web Resources for K-12 Students and Parents
In addition to the resource highlight above, which is tied directly to the Newsletter topic, we will also highlight two new web resources each week.
- BrainPOP
BrainPOP is a great way to explore and learn about practically any subject. The main categories include: Science, Social Studies, English, Math, Arts and Music, Health and SEL, and Engineering and Tech. Each lesson includes a fun video with their animated characters explaining the topic at hand. And at the end, it includes an interactive activity to quiz your knowledge. - Pitsco’s STEM at Home
Pitsco is a large database filled with everything STEM. It has an abundance of activities and publications that families can use to further encourage STEM in their household. These activities can also be expanded for teachers to use for their classrooms, which also includes published classroom guidelines. Activities include Rube Goldberg Machine, Catapults, Sail Cars and more!