Splash offers the opportunity for high school students to take fun and informative workshops offered by Northeastern undergraduates. This day-long event is entirely free, running from 8:45am – 6:40pm on Saturday, March 18th at Northeastern University’s Boston Campus. Come for as many sessions as you want throughout the day!
Workshops cover a wide variety of topics and fields, some examples this year include:
- Coup d’Etat: Tips and Tricks
- The Lore of Languages: How Coding Came to Be
- Artificial Intelligence: Q and A
- I Scream for ChemE Ice Cream
- Fermi Paradox: Where is Everyone?
- Live, Laugh, Love: Studio Ghibli
- Miraculous 3-Pound Jell-O
Registration is now open and will close on March 17th. To register, please make an account and sign in at: https://neptun.learningu.org/learn/splash.html